New brand for Ormeau Pharmacy, after nearly 20 years of not having an official logo


An effective and memorable brand is essential to all businesses regardless of how brilliant your customer service is or how vital the product or service on offer. It allows for a sense of familiarity, a recognition point and a way of making the name and company stand out from competitors.

After 20 years of operating without an official logo, Ormeau Day and Night Pharmacy decided it was time to release their brand making it easier for loyal, local customers to connect with them. With three other pharmacies in close proximity, one of those is a sister company while the other is a competitor, it was important to make a strong impression and clearly connect the two that belong together. As the no-brand Ormeau Day and Night Pharmacy stood beside one of the Chemmart Pharmacies (located in Norfolk Village Shopping Centre) the new logo needed to be equally stylised and memorable with an icon that could be used stand-alone for platforms such as Facebook and other social media feeds.

We further tied the logo into the brand styles using tones from the logo as well as shapes and mixed elements. Mixed together with a savvy message about there long standing community relationship and to-the-point service highlights they are now ready to grab even more attention. With Ormeau locals being such a loyal group it was important to highlight the fact that they were the first ones in the area, servicing health and pharmaceutical needs.

Our initial project included logo development and promotional design along with social media setup.


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