After creating such a tempting website for Fuller Tummy and discovering all the amazing (and yummy) things they had to offer their clients we decided it was too good to refuse. So, Shell Graphix has started Fuller Tummy Level 1 which is a collection of in-home cooking lessons. Duncan Fuller, professional chef, has decided to put his years of cooking experience to excellent use and teach the “less culinarily-gifted” how to cook healthy, delicious, restaurant quality food at home. Level 1 covers the basics with meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It has been so much fun learning how to cook all the meals as well as picking up so many valuable tips and tricks (who knew you weren’t supposed to stock up the pantry as though dooms-day was coming and buy week-for-week fresh ingredients?). We already ate fairly healthy food but forever struggled on what to cook each night following a day of non-stop creativity. This helped us broaden our horizons and has been a priceless experience.
As a highly valued client we already believed in the product they were offering and thought it would be a fantastic solution for so many different people, but, experiencing it first hand is even more amazing. Cooking has never been so simple and enjoyable and saving money on the types of groceries we buy each week is a bonus. If you want to discover more about learning to cook in your own home, or any of the other cooking services offered by Fuller Tummy please visit you will be glad you did!